

19:28 イエスはこのように話してから、先に立って進み、エルサレムに上って行かれた。
19:29 そして、「オリーブ畑」と呼ばれる山のふもとにあるベトファゲとベタニアに近づいたとき、二人の弟子を使いに出そうとして、
19:30 言われた。「向こうの村へ行きなさい。そこに入ると、まだだれも乗ったことのない子ろばのつないであるのが見つかる。それをほどいて、引いて来なさい。
19:31 もし、だれかが、『なぜほどくのか』と尋ねたら、『主がお入り用なのです』と言いなさい。」
19:32 使いに出された者たちが出かけて行くと、言われたとおりであった。
19:33 ろばの子をほどいていると、その持ち主たちが、「なぜ、子ろばをほどくのか」と言った。
19:34 二人は、「主がお入り用なのです」と言った。
19:35 そして、子ろばをイエスのところに引いて来て、その上に自分の服をかけ、イエスをお乗せした。
19:36 イエスが進んで行かれると、人々は自分の服を道に敷いた。
19:37 イエスがオリーブ山の下り坂にさしかかられたとき、弟子の群れはこぞって、自分の見たあらゆる奇跡のことで喜び、声高らかに神を賛美し始めた。
19:38 「主の名によって来られる方、王に、/祝福があるように。天には平和、/いと高きところには栄光。」
19:39 すると、ファリサイ派のある人々が、群衆の中からイエスに向かって、「先生、お弟子たちを叱ってください」と言った。
19:40 イエスはお答えになった。「言っておくが、もしこの人たちが黙れば、石が叫びだす。」
19:41 エルサレムに近づき、都が見えたとき、イエスはその都のために泣いて、
19:42 言われた。「もしこの日に、お前も平和への道をわきまえていたなら……。しかし今は、それがお前には見えない。
19:43 やがて時が来て、敵が周りに堡塁を築き、お前を取り巻いて四方から攻め寄せ、
19:44 お前とそこにいるお前の子らを地にたたきつけ、お前の中の石を残らず崩してしまうだろう。それは、神の訪れてくださる時をわきまえなかったからである。」ルカによる福音書 19章28~44節



For KIDS(子ども説教) 


Today is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. A week before his resurrection. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. I brought a picture of a donkey with me.


Game – pin the tail on the donkey
ゲーム - ロバのしっぽを貼り付けるゲーム

I would like to invite 3 kids to come and help me. We are going to play a game.
だれか3人、手伝ってくれますか? 今からゲームをします。

The game works like this: The goal is to stick the donkey’s tail at the right place, but it’s not that easy.

Because you have to do it while you are blindfolded.

To start you need a tail, then you blindfold yourself. Before you pin the tail you need to spin yourself around 3 times. You are not allowed to help each other.

(All 3 kids are blindfolded. I will give each child a chance to try. After the first round I will only blindfold one child)

We are going to do a second round. In this round you can help each other. Only one is going to be blindfolded. The other two may help him/her to get it in the right place.


It is easier to put the tail in the right place if you have help from friends. That is also why we as Christians are here. We need to help each other and also guide other people. We help them by telling them about Jesus and what He did for us.
In this week before Easter, let’s think about why Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. He is our humble King who teaches us how to serve others. Let us thank God for Him.


Father God. Thank you for this day, and that we can be together. Thank you that Jesus is our King and our Saviour. He gave His life, and died on the cross, so we may live.Please teach us how to give our lives to help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Palm Sunday(日曜礼拝)


Luke 19:28-44
ルカによる福音書 19章28~44節

Today is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. A week before his resurrection. Palm Sunday started the final seven days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The name Palm Sunday, comes from the group of people who were on the side of the road where Jesus was walking. The people put down their cloaks on the road. Others cut down branches from trees and also put them on the road (Matthew 21:8). By putting their cloaks and the branches on the road, they were treating Jesus like a royal person, like a king. John wrote that the branches came from palm trees.
(注:棕櫚となつめやしは厳密にはちがうもの。日本では「なつめやし」が知られていなかった時代に、この言葉を「棕櫚」と訳した。palm Sundayの訳語としては「棕櫚の日曜日」が定着しており、「なつめやしの日曜日」とは言わない)

We just read the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem in Luke 19:28-44.

As Jesus came to Jerusalem, a big group of people gathered around him. These people understood that Jesus was the Messiah. What they did not understand, was what that truly means and what type of king Jesus is. They expected an “earthly king” who overpowers everyone with his power and leads in a very dramatic way, with big armies and horses. Jesus tried to tell them that this is not the way he leads and rules the world, but they did not understand that.

They were expecting Jesus to arrive on a horse, ready to fight a war. Instead Jesus arrived on a donkey that symbolized peace, not war. The crowd was expecting Jesus to arrive on a horse showing his status and power. Instead Jesus arrived on a donkey, showing them how important humbleness is.

Jesus accepted the recognition as king, but he challenged their definition of what a king was, through his deeds (and by arriving on a donkey). Jesus is the triumphant, but humble King.

On PALM SUNDAY we get asked an important question…


The Pharisees and even the disciples were not ready to understand what Jesus and the cross meant. They welcomed Jesus as a King, but still did not know what that meant.

We read in this passage that Jesus cried. Jesus cried because he realises that the people are not ready, and they do not realise what is going to happen at the cross. They do not realize His message and the sacrifice which Jesus is going to make for them. Therefore, they do not yet understand who He truly is.  Even though the people treated Jesus as a king by laying down their coats, they did not understand why Jesus was there. They could not see nor understand the cross. It is sad thing to see the Saviour, but not to realize who He is.

The crowds around Jesus were blind to His true value, to the type of King He is and to the cross.

Are we ready to hear the message of the cross? Or are we blind, as we saw through the kids game this morning? Are we also missing the point, and adding tails where they don’t belong? If we lose focus and are not ready to hear the message of the cross, we are missing the reality and truth behind Jesus’ death.

Jesus died for you, for everyone here today, so that everyone of us can experience true freedom.

Let us think again about the kids’ game earlier. When we try to put the tail on the right spot on the donkey, there are people talking to us. They guide us and say: go left, or go right. The people are guiding you help you get the tail on the right spot.

In a very simple way, that is also the role of Christians. We need to remind one another of the value and the message of the cross. We also need to remind each other of the type of King Jesus is. And also how we as His followers should live.


On Palm Sunday Jesus show us what kind of King he is. A King willing to ride on a donkey, not a fancy horse. A King willing to die for each one of us.

The Bible teaches us that we are made in the Image of God. Sometimes we forget that. Then we limit Jesus to our own image and understanding of Him. We then misunderstand the character of Jesus.

What is the true character of Jesus? The last week of His earthly life help us to understand who Jesus really is:

●Jesus reminds the people that the temple is a place of prayer and not a place to sell things for their own benefit.
●Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, eats with them and serves them Holy Communion. He does this although he knows they are going to deny him later.
●Jesus sweats blood in the garden of Gethsemane because He is scared. But, he still prays that his Father’s will shall be done.
●Jesus shows us the ultimate sacrifice, through his unconditional love on the cross on Good Friday. We will celebrate this again next Sunday.


These things may be known to us already. But even though we may have heard it already, we might still also fall in the trap of not understanding who Jesus truly is, and what He did for us.

What is it that the people around Jesus, specifically the Pharisees – in Luke 19 - did not understand?

●They did not understand that disciples of Jesus are supposed to serve, just like Jesus served. They argued about who is the most important.
●They did not understand sacrificial love. Jesus shows us the ultimate form of sacrificial love when He dies for us on the cross.
●They did not understand that Jesus came for sinners, and also the grace that Jesus shows for sinners. They always wanted to judge people, exclude them, and keep them away from Jesus.
●They did not understand Jesus’ way of embracing people, welcoming them and caring for them. They wanted to chase the crowd away, when there was not enough food. But Jesus welcomed the crowd. They wanted to chase the children away, but Jesus welcomed the children.
●Even Jesus’ disciples did not understand the cost of discipleship. Jesus had to teach them over and over again what discipleship means.
●Even on Palm Sunday they still did not understand it.


They and we as followers of Christ, begin to understand, when we realize that the power of Jesus looks different than our understanding of what an earthly king is.

Jesus, our King, does not enter Jerusalem on a white horse as a victorious general. But he rides in on a donkey as the humble, peacemaker King that He is.

His disciples always argued about who is the most important person among them. However, Jesus comes in and shows his serving love by washing their feet.

Jesus died for you, for every one of us. Maybe you also want to learn more about who Jesus really is, although you have already committed your life to Him. We are all growing as Christians, as we learn who He truly is, day by day.

Or maybe you have not dedicated your life to Jesus yet. If that is the case, I would like to invite you to talk to the church leaders. Let Jesus be the King and ruler of your life. Palm Sunday and this time of Easter is a wonderful opportunity to get to know Jesus. He died for our freedom from sin and eternal death. May we follow this King, Jesus, and serve as He did.

Let’s pray.
Father God, thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for sending us your Son to die for us on a cross. Thank you Lord for the grace and love that you give freely to us. We don’t have to do anything to earn your love. You love us just the way we are.

Lord, we want to follow our King, Jesus. Please guide us how to do this day by day. Teach us to be humble and how to serve one another, the way Jesus showed us on Palm Sunday.

We praise you Lord.

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